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Théo Cambier

Spatial and temporal control of biological systems in vitro

Published on 16 October 2014

Thesis presented October 16, 2014

Actin cytoskeleton regulate cell shape over time. To understand that, we have to study molecular mechanisms that constitute actin cytoskeleton. In vivo, those mechanisms are hidden by cellular complexity. If we achieve to reproduce piece by piece actin cytoskeleton in vitro and if we can control it in space and time, then we are able to elucidate the secrets of it operate. This thesis show that we have developed the technology that allow us to do it for a few actin cytoskeleton architectures. We have developed new micro-patterning methods to control actin monomers nucleation into two-dimensional space. This led us to the reconstitution and guidance of parallel actin filament networks with same polarity and allowed us to reconstitute actin contractile ring.
I created an innovating microfluidic chip to control biochemical composition of reconstituted actin systems over time. This allowed us to control kinetics of free individual actin filament polymerization and to control the intervention sequence of proteins on parallel actin filament networks.
Finally​, we used the microfluidic chip to study hematopoietic stem cells differentiation.

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