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Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire & Végétale
Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble
17, avenue des Martyrs
38 054 Grenoble cedex 9
Phone: +33 4 38 78 96 66
Fax: +33 4 38 78 50 91
Scientific Council of the Unit - March 25, 2020
IntroductionThe Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory studies the dynamics of the plant cell. This research, conducted at both the molecular and cellular, is then placed in the context of the whole plant during its development and subjected to changing conditions of the environment. They aimed at a better understanding of cellular mechanisms,
e.g. metabolic pathways or processes of cell division and morphogenesis.Research areas
ChloroGenesis •
ChromDev •
CytoMorphoLab •
Flo_RE •
Lipid •
MetalStress •
Photosymbiosis •
Photosynthesis •
StrucDev | Chloroplast Proteome Dynamics and Biogenesis. Chromatin Dynamics and Developmental Transitions. Physics of Cytoskeleton & Morphogenesis.
Floral Regulators: Function, structure and evolution. Biogenesis, dynamics and homeostasis of membrane lipids. Plants, Stress & Metals. Photosymbiosis. Light-Photosynthesis & Metabolism. Integrated structural biology and plant development.
Keywords Protein, integrated structural biology, modeling, bioinformatics, molecular evolution, transgenesis, synthetic biology, bio-fuels, lipids, green chemistry, flower development, stress, metals, radionuclides, bioremediation, toxicology, environmental acclimation, cytoskeleton, cell compartmentalization, membrane, chloroplasts, photosynthesis, plastids biogenesis, apicoplast, regulation of gene expression, cell differentiation, metabolism, vitamin, enzyme, plant cell, plant, algae.
Université Grenoble Alpes : "1 out of 5"
One person out of five living in Grenoble works in research, innovation or higher education… The PCV laboratory supports the IDEX.
[Watch the video] |
PLANTA International Master program (PLANT-Int)
Web site of the Master.
Video presentation. |
Pôle de Recherche Chimie, Biologie, Santé (CBS)