February 2024
Welcome to I
van Cubillas 2
nd year student of the UGA NanoSciences Master, who joins us for his
Master Thesis!

January 2024
Welcome to
Alice Poggi and
Anaëlle Meunier, for their 1er PLANT-Int Master internship. Welcome to
Veronica-Astrid Morlacchi, 2
nd year PLANT-Int student, who joins us for her Master Thesis. And to
Laura Turchi who joins us for a year to share her expertise in bioinformatics analyses.

December 11, 2023
Soumiya Muthukumar defends her PhD thesis entitled "Study of redox signaling involved in chloroplast biogenesis".
Congratulations, Dr. Muthukumar!

October 12, 2023
Jean-Baptiste Izquierdo defends his PhD thesis entitled "Biochemical and structural study of the PRC2 complex and the ULTRAPETALA1 protein, two antagonistic regulators of chromatin in
Arabidopsis thaliana".
Congratulations, Dr. Izquierdo!

October 02-04, 2023
A great time at the "Signaling through Chromatin" Symposium, organized by the
Grenoble Chromatin club. The opportunity to attend top-notch scientific presentations and enjoy a gala dinner overlooking the city, in company of friends and colleagues from the epigenetic community.
Congratulations also to Vangeli for his presentation to a public of experts!

October 2023
Salim El Khoury starts his PhD in the team (co-direction by Jean-Philippe Kleman from IBS);
Filippo Battaglia joins us for his 1
stPLANT-Int M2 internship.

September 2023
Integration week for the PLANT-Int Master new recruits and organisation of the
Annual PLANT-Int Symposium (APIS) at the Lautaret garden (Frecnh Alps).

July 2023
PRC PEPPAPNetworks project (in collaboration with David Cobessi from IBS Grenoble)
is funded by the ANR!

May-June 2023
Preparation of the
Summer School - Shape the future " The many uses of plants ", organized by the EUR CBH, which will be held at the University Grenoble Alpes (UGA), June 26-30, 2023. Master and PhD students
can register at this link. Free of charge for UGA Master or PhD students.
Possible ECTS according to the Master's degree.

April 2023
Farewell party for
Anne-Marie Boisson retirement.
Enjoy, Anne-Marie!

March 2023
Participation to the
48 hours seminar of the Labex Gral in Autrans.
Marie Le Masson and
Vangeli Geshkovski present posters:
- Le Masson M, Carles C : Plant Tissue and Organ Imaging platform.
- Geshkovski V, Izquierdo JB, Brugière S, Kadlec J, Pflieger D, Vachon G and Carles C. Chromatin switches in plants: Molecular mechanisms of the ULTRAPETALA1 protein.

January 2023
Welcome to
Veronica-Astrid Morlacchi, 1
st year student of the Master PLANT-Int and to
Eugenio Reale, 2
nd year student of the Master PLANT-Int; welcome to
Quentin Depeyre, 2
nd year Master Physiology, epigenetics, differentiation and cancer, welcome to
Christoffer Löved, Master 2 Erasmus student from Umeå University and
Emilien Krempf, M2 NanoSciences student from UGA, for their internships!

December 2022
Participation of
Soumiya, PhD student of the team, to the
EMBO Workshop India on structural biology.
Poster: Sankari Muthukumar S, Blanvillain R and Cobessi D. Towards the 3D structure of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase by cryo-EM: envelope and subunit interactions.

November 2022
Our paper "Lysine 27 of histone H3.3 is a fine modulator of developmental gene expression and stands as an epigenetic checkpoint for lignin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis” by Fal K, Berr A, Le Masso M, Faigenboim A, Pan Eo, Ishkhneli N, Moyal NL, Villette C, Tomkova D, Chabouté ME, Williams LE, Carles CC, is accepted in the journal
The New Phytologist! (doi: 10.1111/nph.18666).
With one of our results on the cover of the journal.
Welcome to
Marie-Catherine Ducarre who will spend a year in the lab as technician student.

September 2022
Welcome to
Marie-Catherine Ducarre, a L3 Pro student at the Dijon IUT, who will be working with the team for a year.
PLANT-Int Master integration week and organization (Cristel) and participation to the
Annual PLANT-Int Symposium (APIS) in Jardin du Lautaret (France).
Oral communication of Vangeli, PhD student in the team “Molecular mechanisms of the ULTRAPETALA1 protein”.

August 2022
Two publications on PAPs and chloroplast biogenesis are out!
The article: Ruedas R, Coute Y, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Sankari Muthukumar S, Gillet F-X, Fenel D, Effantin G, Pfannschmidt T, Blanvillain R, Cobessi D. (2022) Three-dimensional envelope and subunit interactions of the plastid-encoded RNA polymerase fromSinapis alba.
Int J Mol Sci. 23(17):9922.
And the
Darwin Review: Liebers M, Cozzi C, Uecker F, Chambon L, Blanvillain R, Pfannschmidt T. (2022) Biogenic signals from plastids and their role in chloroplast development.
J. Exp. Bot. (DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erac344).

July 2022
Our PRC project
ChromSwitch (in collaboration with Jan Kadlec from IBS Grenoble) is
funded by the ANR!

July 8, 2022
Caroline Thouly defends her PhD thesis entitled "Interactions between ULTRAPETALA1 and chromatin modifiers and remodelers: Roles in development in
Arabidopsis thaliana".
Congratulations, Dr. Thouly!

June 2022
Participation to the
EPIPLANT meeting on Plant Epigenetics in Banyuls sur mer (France), June 22-24, 2022.
Oral communication of
Jean-Baptiste, PhD student in the team: Izquierdo JB : Structural and biochemical study of the plant-specific Polycomb interacter ULTRAPETALA1.
Posters of Vangeli, PhD student, and Kateryna, postdoc in the team:
- Geshkovski V, Izquierdo JB, Brugière S, Kadlec J, Pflieger D, Vachon G and Carles C. Chromatin switches in plants: Molecular mechanisms of the ULTRAPETALA1 protein.
- Fal K, Le Masson M, Chabouté ME, Berr A and Carles C. Manipulating Histone methylation in Arabidopsis with the dCas9 tool: de-repression of the CUC3 boundary gene as a study case.

May 2022

Participation to the
7th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin in Pruhonice (Czech Republic), 18-20 May 2022.
Oral communication of Kateryna, postdoc in the team: Fal K. Manipulating Histone methylation in Arabidopsis with the dCas9 tool: de-repression of the CUC3 boundary gene as a study case.
Posters of our PhD students Vangeli and Jean-Baptiste:
- Geshkovski V, Izquierdo JB, Brugière S, Kadlec J, Pflieger D, Vachon G and Carles C. Chromatin switches in plants: Molecular mechanisms of the ULTRAPETALA1 protein.
- Izquierdo JB, Geshkovski V, Thouly C, Thevenon E, Vachon G, Pellegrini E, Kadlec J and Carles C. Structural and biochemical study of the plant-specific Polycomb antagonist ULTRAPETALA1.

April 2022
Welcome to
Yahia Hadj-Arab and
Armand Michaud, who join us for their Master 1 "Biologie Structurale, Génomique" (Aix-Marseille Université) and L3 "Génie Bio-informatique" (Université de Poitiers) internships, respectively.

March 22, 2022
Louise Chambon defends her PhD thesis entitled "Nuclear control of chloroplast biogenesis by proteins of the plastidial transcription machinery".
Congratulations, Doctor Chambon!

March 2022
Release of the team article "PAP8/pTAC6 is part of a nuclear protein complex and displays RNA recognition motifs of viral origin” par Chambon L, Gillet FX, Chieb M, Cobessi D, Pfannschmidt T, Blanvillain R dans
Int J Mol Sci (doi: 10.3390/ijms23063059).

January 2022
Welcome to
Noor Pasha, 2
nd year student of the Master PLANT-Int and to
Maud Turquand, 2
nd year student of the Master Erasmus Mundus TROPIMUNDO.

October 2021
Promotion of two members of the team:
Cristel Carles obtains the title of
Full Professor and
Gilles Vachon becomes
Chargé de Recherche Hors Classe.
Congratulations to both!
Welcome to
Anne-Marie Boisson who joins the team as a technician.

September 2021
Vangeli Geshkovski starts his PhD in the team, let's go!
PLANT-Int Master integration week and organization (Cristel and Vangeli) and participation to the
Annual PLANT-Int Symposium (APIS) in Jardin du Lautaret (France), September 21
st 2021.
Oral communication of Vangeli: "Molecular mechanisms of the ULTRAPETALA1 protein".

July 2021
Participation to the virtual
ICAR congress (The 31
st International Conference on Arabidopsis research).
Poster of
Kateryna: Fal K, Tomkova D, Le Masson M, Faigenboim A, Pano E, Ishkheli N, Moyal NL, Villette C, M.E. C., Berr A, Williams LE and Carles CC. Lysine 27 of Histone H3.3 is a fine modulator of developmental gene expression and stands as an epigenetic checkpoint for lignin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.

June 2021
Release of the
article "The plastid-encoded RNA polymerase-associated protein PAP9 is a superoxide dismutase with unusual structural features" by Favier A, Gans P, Boeri Erba E, Signor L, Sankari Muthukumar S, Pfannschmidt T, Blanvillain R & Cobessi D, in the journal
Frontiers in Plant Sciences (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.668897).

February 2021
Participation to the
EPIPLANT virtual meeting on Plant Epigenetics, Perpignan (France). Cristel Carles is Chairwoman and invited plenary speaker with a presentation entitled: "Lysine 27 of histone H3.3 is a fine modulator of gene expression and developmental fates in Arabidopsis"

January 2021
Welcome to
Vangeli Geshkovski, 2
nd year PLANT-Int student, who joined us for his Master’s thesis, during which he will contribute studying the molecular mechanisms of ULT1.
Out in
IJMS: Our review on Chromatin Manipulation and Editing, written in collaboration with our ANR partners (team of Alexandre Berr and Marie-Edith Chabouté).
Marie Le Masson is promoted Ingénieure d’Etude. Congratulations!

December 2020
Welcome to
Soumiya Sankari Muthukumar, PhD student (EUR CBS funding) on the project of characterization of the PAP-PEP complex, under the supervision of Robert Blanvillain (in co-direction with David Cobessi from IBS).

November 2020
Out in
Embo J: The story of the nucleo-plastidic PAP8 protein that couples chloroplast formation with photomorphogenesis, co-authoring former PhD student Monique Liebers and post-doc François-Xavier, as well as Louise Chambon.

September 2020
Welcome to
Isaty Melogno and
Mirko De Vivo, 2
nd year students in the PLANT-Int Master, who joined us for their first semester internship to respectively work on the PAP8 and Rewire projects.
Congrats to
François-Xavier Gillet who is leaving us for an Ass. Prof. position at Université Claude Bernard Lyon. We are very sad to see you leaving prematurely FX, but this is such a great accomplishment!

January 2020
Welcome to I
saty Melogno, 1
st year PLANT-Int Master student, for her internship with us.
Out in
Gene: Our review on BRAHMA function in plants, with 1
st author Caroline Thouly.

September 2019
Welcome to
Jean-Baptiste Izquierdo who starts his PhD (CEA DRF funding) on the structural and biochemical study of Polycomb ULTRAPETALA1 in
Arabidopsis thaliana, under the supervision of Cristel Carles (in co-direction with Jan Kadlec from IBS).
Welcome to
Kateryna Fal, new post-doc in the lab, who joined us to work on the Rewire ANR-funded project!

st July 2019
Gilles Vachon from the team defended his
HDR today. Congrats Gilles!

June 2019
Participation to the
6th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin, Cologne (Germany), June Cristel Carles is invited plenary speaker ("ULTRAPETALA: At the crossroads of chromatin regulators".)

April 2019
Out in
Nature Communications: Collaborative study with K. Kaufmann lab on enhancer dynamics during flower morphogenesis.

February 2019
Launching meeting of the ANR PRC
Rewire project in Strasbourg.
Participation to the
EPIPLANT meeting on Plant Epigenetics, Strasbourg (France), " Cristel Carles is invited speaker ("Regulation of chromatin mark changes for organogenesis in Arabidopsis").

September 2018
Louise Chambon and
Caroline Thouly are starting their PhD, thanks to an UGA Doctoral fellowship and an ENS Doctoral fellowship, respectively. Congrats girls!
Welcome to
François-Xavier Gillet who joined for a post-doc on the PepRegulChloro3D ANR-funded project.

September 2018
Out in
Nature Plants: Collaborative study with K. Kaufmann lab on H3K27me3 demethylases. Out in
Planta: PAP genes are tissue- and cell-specific markers of chloroplast development.

July 2018
Rewire PRC project in collaboration with IMBP Strasbourg (A. Berr, M-E. Chabouté,) is
funded by the ANR!

April 2018
Check: Our review in
The Flowering News Letter of
J Exp Bot on the interactions between transcription factors and chromatin regulators in the control of flower development.

July 2017
PEPRegulChloro3D PRC project in collaboration with IBS Grenoble and IGBMC Strasbourg is
funded by the ANR!