Publications of the team from 1992 to 2018
Published on 1 October 2020
Body text 1
Chahtane H, Zhang B, Norberg M, LeMasson M, Thévenon E, Bako L, Benlloch R, Holmlund M, Parcy F, Nilsson O and Vachon G
LEAFY activity is post-transcriptionally regulated by BLADE ON PETIOLE2 and CULLIN3 in Arabidopsis.
New Phytologist, 2018, 220(2): 579-592 | | |
Engelhorn J, Wellmer F and Carles CC
Profiling histone modifications in synchronized floral tissues for quantitative resolution of chromatin and transcriptome dynamics.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018, 1675: 271-296 | | |
Hugouvieux V, Silva CS, Jourdain A, Stigliani A, Charras Q, Conn V, Conn SJ, Carles CC, Parcy F and Zubieta C
Tetramerization of MADS family transcription factors SEPALLATA3 and AGAMOUS is required for floral meristem determinacy in Arabidopsis.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(10): 4966-4977 | | |
Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Cheneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G, Baranasic D, Arenillas DJ, Sandelin A, Vandepoele K, Lenhard B, Ballester B, Wasserman WW, Parcy F and Mathelier A
JASPAR 2018: Update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(D1): D260-D266 | | |
Vachon G, Engelhorn J and Carles CC
Interactions between transcription factors and chromatin regulators in the control of flower development.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69(10): 2461-2471 | | |
Yan W, Chen D, Smaczniak C, Engelhorn J, Liu H, Yang W, Graf A, Carles CC, Zhou DX, Kaufmann K
Dynamic and spatial restriction of Polycomb activity by plant histone demethylases.
Nature Plants, 2018, 4(9): 681-689 | | |
Denay G, Chahtane H, Tichtinsky G and Parcy F A flower is born: An update on Arabidopsis floral meristem formation.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2017,
35: 15-22 | | |
Denay G, Vachon G, Dumas R, Zubieta C and Parcy F
Plant SAM-domain proteins start to reveal their roles.
Trends in Plant Science, 2017, 22(8): 718-725 | | |
Engelhorn J, Blanvillain R, Kröner C, Parrinello H, Rohmer M, Posé D, Ott F, Schmid M and Carles CC
Dynamics of H3K4me3 chromatin marks prevails over H3K27me3 for gene regulation during flower morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Epigenomes, 2017, 1(2): 8 | | |
Martin-Arevalillo R, Nanao MH, Larrieu A, Vinos-Poyo T, Mast D, Galvan-Ampudia C, Brunoud G, Vernoux T, Dumas R and Parcy F Structure of the Arabidopsis TOPLESS corepressor provides insight into the evolution of transcriptional repression.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2017,
114(30): 8107-8112 | | |
Monniaux M, McKim SM, Cartolano M, Thevenon E, Parcy F, Tsiantis M and Hay A
Conservation vs divergence in LEAFY and APETALA1 functions between Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardamine hirsuta.
New Phytologist, 2017, 216(2): 549-561 | | |
Moyroud E, Monniaux M, Thévenon E, Dumas R, Scutt CP, Frohlich MW and Parcy F A link between LEAFY and B-gene homologs in
Welwitschia mirabilis sheds light on ancestral mechanisms prefiguring floral development.
New Phytologist, 2017, 216 (2): 469-481
Communiqué de presse -
Press release
| | |
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Parcy F Collectif incl. F. Parcy, In
Étonnant vivant. Découvertes et promesses du XXIe siècle sous la direction de Catherine Jessus CNRS Éditions, Paris, 2017, 243-286 |
Baud S, Kelemen Z, Thévenin J, Boulard C, Blanchet S, To A, Payre M, Berger N, Effroy-Cuzzi D, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Godoy M, Solano R, Thevenon E, Parcy F, Lepiniec L and Dubreucq B
Deciphering the molecular mechanisms underpinning the transcriptional control of gene expression by L-AFL proteins in Arabidopsis seed.
Plant Physiology, 2016,
171(2): 1099-1112 | | |
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Chahtane H, Denay G, Engelhorn J, Monniaux M, Moyroud E, Moreau F, Carles C, Tichtincky G, Zubieta C and Parcy F Floral development: An integrated view. In
From Molecules to Living Organisms: An Interplay Between Biology and Physics: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches School of Physics: Volume 102, July 2014 (Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School), Session CII, (E. Pebay-Peyroula, H. Nury, F. Parcy, R.W.H. Ruigrok, C. Ziegler and L.F. Cugliandolo, Eds) Oxford University Press, 2016, pp 464 | | |
Mandel T, Candela H, Landau U, Asis L, Zelinger E, Carles CC and Williams LE Differential regulation of meristem size, morphology and organization by the ERECTA, CLAVATA and class III HD-ZIP pathways.
Development, 2016,
143(9): 1612-1622 | | |
Mathelier A, Fornes O, Arenillas DJ, Chen CY, Denay G, Lee J, Shi W, Shyr C, Tan G, Worsley-Hunt R, Zhang AW, Parcy F, Lenhard B, Sandelin A and Wasserman WW
JASPAR 2016: A major expansion and update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2016,
44(D1): D110-D115 | | |
Moreau F, Thevenon E, Blanvillain R, Lopez-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Dumas R, Parcy F, Morel P, Trehin C and Carles CC The Myb-domain protein ULTRAPETALA1 INTERACTING FACTOR 1 controls floral meristem activities in Arabidopsis.
Development, 2016,
143(7): 1108-1119 | | |
Parcy F, Vernoux T and Dumas R A glimpse beyond structures in auxin-dependent transcription.
Trends in Plant Science, 2016, 21(7): 574-583 | | |
Robin AY, Giustini C, Graindorge M, Matringe M and Dumas R Crystal structure of norcoclaurine-6-O-methyltransferase, a key rate-limiting step in the synthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids.
Plant Journal, 2016,
87(6): 641-653 | | |
Sayou C, Nanao MH, Jamin M, Posé D, Thévenon E, Grégoire L, Tichtinsky G, Denay G, Ott F, Peirats Llobet M, Schmid M, Dumas R and Parcy F A SAM oligomerization domain shapes the genomic binding landscape of the LEAFY transcription factor.
Nature Communications 2016,
7: 11222
Abstract -
Reprint -
Communiqué de presse -
Press release
3D pictures of LEAFY -
Images de LEAFY | | |
Silva CS, Puranik S, Round A, Brennich M, Jourdain A, Parcy F, Hugouvieux V and Zubieta C Evolution of the plant reproduction master regulators LFY and the MADS transcription factors: The role of protein structure in the evolutionary development of the flower.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,
6: article number 1193 | | |
Brockington SF, Moyroud E, Sayou C, Monniaux M, Nanao MH, Thevenon E, Chahtane H, Warthmann N, Melkonian M, Zhang Y, Wong GK, Weigel D, Dumas R and Parcy F Evolution. Response to Comment on "A promiscuous intermediate underlies the evolution of LEAFY DNA binding specificity".
Science, 2015,
347(6222): 621b | | |
Minguet EG, Segard S, Charavay C and Parcy F MORPHEUS, a Webtool for transcription factor binding analysis using position weight matrices with dependency.
PLoS One, 2015,
10(8): e0135586 | | |
Ó'Maoiléidigh DS, Thomson B, Raganelli A, Wuest SE, Ryan PT, Kwa?niewska K, Carles CC, Graciet E and Wellmer F Gene network analysis of
Arabidopsis thaliana flower development through dynamic gene perturbations.
Plant Journal, 2015,
83(2): 344-358 | | |
Besnard F, Refahi Y, Morin V, Marteaux B, Brunoud G, Chambrier P, Rozier F, Mirabet V, Legrand J, Lainé S, Thévenon E, Farcot E, Cellier C, Das P, Bishopp A, Dumas R, Parcy F, Helariutta Y, Boudaoud A, Godin C, Traas J, Guédon Y and Vernoux T Cytokinin signalling inhibitory fields provide robustness to phyllotaxis.
Nature, 2014,
505(7483): 417-421 | | |
Engelhorn J, Moreau F, Fletcher JC and Carles CC ULTRAPETALA1 and LEAFY pathways function independently in specifying identity and determinacy at the Arabidopsis floral meristem.
Annals of Botany, 2014,
114(7): 1497-1505 | | |
Korasick DA, Westfall CS, Lee SG, Nanao MH, Dumas R, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Jez JM and Strader LC Molecular basis for AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR protein interaction and the control of auxin response repression.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2014,
111(14): 5427-5432 | | |
Mandel T, Moreau F, Kutsher Y, Fletcher JC, Carles CC and Williams LE The ERECTA receptor kinase regulates
Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem size, phyllotaxy and floral meristem identity.
Development, 2014,
141(4): 830-841 | | |
Mathelier A, Zhao X, Zhang AW, Parcy F, Worsley-Hunt R, Arenillas DJ, Buchman S, Chen CY, Chou A, Ienasescu H, Lim J, Shyr C, Tan G, Zhou M, Lenhard B, Sandelin A and Wasserman WW JASPAR 2014: An extensively expanded and updated open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2014,
42(1): D142-D147 | | |
Nanao MH, Vinos-Poyo T, Brunoud G, Thevenon E, Mazzoleni M, Mast D, Laine S, Wang S, Hagen G, Li H, Guilfoyle TJ, Parcy F, Vernoux T and Dumas R Structural basis for oligomerization of auxin transcriptional regulators.
Nature Communications, 2014,
5: 3617 [en bref] [read more] | | id="2261470" |
Puranik S, Acajjaoui S, Conn S, Costa L, Conn V, Vial A, Marcellin R, Melzer R, Brown E, Hart D, Theißen G, Silva CS, Parcy F, Dumas R, Nanao M and Zubieta C Structural basis for the oligomerization of the MADS-domain transcription factor SEPALLATA 3.
Plant Cell, 2014,
26(9): 3603-3615 | | id="9585359' |
Sayou C, Monniaux M, Nanao MH, Moyroud E, Brockington SF, Thévenon E, Chahtane H, Warthmann N, Melkonian M, Zhang Y, Wong GK, Weigel D, Parcy F and Dumas R A promiscuous intermediate underlies the evolution of LEAFY DNA binding specificity.
Science, 2014,
343(6171): 645-648
Abstract -
Reprint -
Communiqué de presse -
Press release
Videos of LEAFY -
Vidéos de LEAFY | | id="2048975" |
Schild F, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Palencia A, Cobessi D, Sarret G, Zubieta C, Jourdain A, Dumas R, Forge V, Testemale D,Bourguignon J and Hugouvieux V Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the Selenium binding and reducing site in
Arabidopsis thaliana homologue to mammals Selenium Binding Protein 1.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014,
289(46): 31765-31776 | | |
Chahtane H, Vachon G, Le Masson M, Thevenon E, Perigon S, Mihajlovic N, Kalinina A, Michard R, Moyroud E, Monniaux M, Sayou C, Grbic V, Parcy F and Tichtinsky G A variant of LEAFY reveals its capacity to stimulate meristem development by inducing RAX1.
Plant Journal, 2013,
74(4): 678-689 | | id="1277220" |
Monfared MM, Carles CC, Rossignol P, Pires HR and Fletcher JC The
ULT1 and
ULT2 trxG genes play overlapping roles in
Arabidopsis development and gene regulation.
Molecular Plant, 2013,
6(5): 1564-1579 | | |
Camara D, Bisanz C, Barette C, Van Daele J, Human E, Barnard B, Van Der Straeten D, Stove CP, Lambert WE, Douce R, Maréchal E, Birkholtz LM, Cesbron-Delauw MF, Dumas R and Rébeillé F Inhibition of p-aminobenzoate and folate syntheses in plants and apicomplexan parasites by natural product rubreserine
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012,
287(26): 22367-22376 | | |
Cobessi D, Dumas R, Pautre V, Meinguet C, Ferrer JL and Alban C Biochemical and structural characterization of the
Arabidopsis bifunctional enzyme dethiobiotin synthetase-diaminopelargonic Acid aminotransferase: Evidence for substrate channeling in biotin synthesis.
Plant Cell, 2012,
24(4): 1608-1625 | | |
Smaczniak C, Immink RG, Muiño JM, Blanvillain R, Busscher M, Busscher-Lange J, Dinh QD, Liu S, Westphal AH, Boeren S, Parcy F, Xu L, Carles CC, Angenent GC and Kaufmann K Characterization of MADS-domain transcription factor complexes in
Arabidopsis flower development.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012,
109(5): 1560-1565 | | |
Tichtinsky G, Vachon G and Parcy F LEAFY: A master regulator of flower development In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology, édité par McGraw-Hill, 2012, pp 136-138 | | |
Vachon G, Tichtinsky G and Parcy F LEAFY, a master regulator of flower development.
Biologie Aujourd'hui, 2012,
206(1): 63-67 | | |
Villiers F, Jourdain A, Bastien O, Leonhardt N, Fujioka S, Tichtinsky G, Parcy F, Bourguignon J and Hugouvieux V Evidence for functional interaction between brassinosteroids and cadmium response in
Arabidopsis thaliana.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012,
63(3): 1185-1200 | | |
Benlloch R, Kim MC, Sayou C, Thévenon E, Parcy F and Nilsson O Integrating long-day flowering signals: A LEAFY binding site is essential for proper photoperiodic activation of APETALA1.
Plant Journal, 2011,
67(6): 1094-1102 | | |
Camara D, Richefeu-Contesto C, Gambonnet B, Dumas R and Rébeillé F The synthesis of pABA: Coupling between the glutamine amidotransferase and aminodeoxychorismate synthase domains of the bifunctional aminodeoxychorismate synthase from
Arabidopsis thaliana.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011,
505(1): 83-90 | | |
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Moyroud E, Minguet EG, Ott F, Yant L, Posé D, Monniaux M, Blanchet S, Bastien O, Thévenon E, Weigel D, Schmid M and Parcy F Prediction of regulatory interactions from genome sequences using a biophysical model for the
Arabidopsis LEAFY transcription factor.
Plant Cell, 2011,
23(4): 1293-1306 | | id="130600" |
Parcy F and Lohmann JU June bloom in Maratea.
Development, 2011,
138(20): 4335-4340 | | iid="377728" |
Perazza D, Laporte F, Balague C, Chevalier F, Remo S, Bourge M, Larkin J, Herzog M and Vachon G GeBP/GPL transcription factors regulate a subset of CPR5-dependent processes.
Plant Physiology, 2011,
157: 1232-1242 | | |
Raspail C, Graindorge M, Moreau Y, Crouzy S, Lefebvre B, Robin AY, Dumas R and Matringe M 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase catalysis: Identification of catalytic residues and production of a hydroxylated intermediate shared with a structurally unrelated enzyme.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011,
286(29): 26061-26070 | | |
| |
Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K and Echeverria M AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in
Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Journal, 2011,
65(5): 807-819 | | |
Winter CM, Austin RS, Blanvillain-Baufumé S, Reback MA, Monniaux M, Wu MF, Sang Y, Yamaguchi A, Yamaguchi N, Parker JE, Parcy F, Jensen ST, Li H and Wagner D LEAFY target genes reveal floral regulatory logic,
cis motifs, and a link to biotic stimulus response.
Developmental Cell, 2011,
20(4): 430-443 | | id="1581020" |
Carles CC and Fletcher JC Missing links between histones and RNA pol II arising from SAND?
Epigenetics, 2010,
5(5): 381-385 | | |
| |
Carles CC, Ha CM, Jun JH, Fiume E and Fletcher JC Analyzing shoot apical meristem development. In:
Plant developmental biology, Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Hennig, L. and Kohler, C. Eds., Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2010,
655: 105-129 | | |
Robin A, Cobessi D, Curien G, Robert-Genthon M, Ferrer J-L and Dumas R A new mode of dimerization of allosteric enzymes with ACT domains revealed by the crystal structure of the aspartate kinase from Cyanobacteria.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2010,
399(2): 283-293 | | |
Carles CC and Fletcher JC The SAND domain protein
ULTRAPETALA1 acts as a trithorax group factor to regulate cell fate in plants.
Genes & Development, 2009,
23: 2723-2728 | | id="525121" |
Curien G, Bastien O, Robert-Genthon M, Cornish-Bowden A, Cardenas ML and Dumas R Understanding regulation of aspartate metabolism with a model based on measured kinetic parameters.
Molecular Systems Biology, 2009,
5: 271 | | id="539595" |
Moyroud E, Reymond MCA, Hamès C, Parcy F and Scutt CP
The Analysis of Entire Gene Promoters by Surface Plasmon Resonance.
Plant Journal, 2009,
59(5) : 851 – 858
Moyroud E, Tichtinsky G and Parcy F
The LEAFY floral regulators in angiosperms: Conserved proteins with diverse roles.
Journal of Plant Biology, 2009,
52: 177-185 (Review by invitation)
Parcy P
La floraison In
Biologie végétale : croissance et développement, Edited by J.F. Morot-Gaudry and R. Prat, 2009, vol.2, chap.6. Dunod, pp 157-181
Azimzadeh J, Nacry P, Christodoulidou A, Drevensek S, Camilleri C, Amiour N, Parcy F, Pastuglia M and Bouchez D
Arabidopsis TONNEAU1 proteins are essential for preprophase band formation and interact with centrin.
Plant Cell, 2008,
20(8): 2146-2159 | | id="488028" |
Hamès C, Ptchelkine D, Grimm C, Thevenon E, Moyroud E, Gérard F, Martiel JL, Benlloch R, Parcy F, Müller CW Structural basis for LEAFY floral switch function and similarity with helix-turn-helix proteins.
The EMBO Journal, 2008,
27(19): 2628-2637 | | id="515836" |
Moreno-Risueno MA, Gonzalez N, Diaz I, Parcy F, Carbonero P and Vicente-Carbajosa J
FUSCA3 from barley unveils a common transcriptional regulation of seed-specific genes between cereals and
Plant Journal, 2008,
53(6): 882-894
Santos-Mendoza M, Dubreucq B, Baud S, Parcy F, Caboche M and Lepiniec L
Deciphering gene regulatory networks that control seed development and maturation in
Plant Journal, 2008,
54(4): 608-620
Desprez T, Juraniec M, Crowell EF, Jouy H, Pochylova Z, Parcy F, Höfte H, Gonneau M and Vernhettes S
Organization of cellulose synthase complexes involved in primary cell wall synthesis in
Arabidopsis thaliana.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2007,
104(39): 15572-15577
Blazquez MA, Ferrandiz C, Madueño F and Parcy F
How floral meristems are built.
Plant Molecular Biology, 2006,
60(6): 855-870
Garcion C, Guilleminot J, Kroj T, Parcy F, Giraudat J and Devic M
AKRP and EMB506 are two ankyrin repeat proteins essential for plastid differentiation and plant development in
Plant Journal, 2006,
48(6): 895-906
Michelot A, Derivery E, Paterski-Boujemaa R, Guérin C, Huang S, Parcy F, Staiger CJ and Blanchoin L A novel mechanism for the formation of actin-filament bundles by a nonprocessive formin.
Current Biology, 2006,
16(19): 1924-30 | | id="138325" |
To A, Valon C, Savino G, Guilleminot J, Devic M, Giraudat J and Parcy F
A network of local and redundant gene regulation governs
Arabidopsis seed maturation.
Plant Cell, 2006,
18(7): 1642-1651
Bensmihen S, Giraudat J and Parcy F
Characterization of three homologous basic leucine zipper transcription factors (bZIP) of the ABI5 family during
Arabidopsis thaliana embryo maturation.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2005,
56(412): 597-603
de Meutter J, Robertson L, Parcy F, Mena M, Fenoll C and Gheysen G
Differential activation of
ABI3 and
LEA genes upon plant parasitic nematode infection.
Molecular Plant Pathology, 2005,
6(3): 321-325
Parcy F
Flowering: A time for integration.
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 2005,
49: 585-593
| |
Carles CC, Choffnes-Inada D, Reville K, Lertpiriyapong K and Fletcher JC
ULTRAPETALA1 encodes a SAND domain putative transcriptional regulator that controls shoot and floral meristem activity in
Development, 2005,
132(5): 897-911 | | id="149040" |
Williams L*, Carles CC*, Osmont KS* and Fletcher JC A database analysis method identifies an endogenous trans -acting short-interfering RNA that targets the
ARF3, and
ARF4 genes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2005,
102(27): 9703-9708
*LW, CCC, and KSO contributed equally to this work. | | id="146443" |
Bensmihen S, To A, Lambert G, Kroj T, Giraudat J and Parcy F
Analysis of an activated
ABI5 allele using a new selection method for transgenic
Arabidopsis seeds.
FEBS Letters, 2004,
561(1-3): 127-131
Carles CC, Lertpiriyapong K, Reville K and Fletcher JC
ULTRAPETALA1 gene functions early in
Arabidopsis development to restrict shoot apical meristem activity, and acts through WUSCHEL to regulate floral meristem determinacy.
Genetics, 2004,
167(4): 1893-903
Curaba J, Moritz T, Blervaque R, Parcy F, Raz V, Herzog M and Vachon G
AtGA3ox2, a key gene responsible for bioactive gibberellin biosynthesis, is regulated during embryogenesis by LEAFY COTYLEDON2 and FUSCA3 in
Plant Physiology, 2004,
136(3): 3660-2669
Carles CC and Fletcher JC
Shoot apical meristem maintenance: The art of a dynamic balance.
Trends in Plant Science, 2003,
8(8): 394-401
| |
Kroj T, Savino G, Valon C, Giraudat J and Parcy F Regulation of storage protein gene expression in
Development, 2003,
130: 6065-6073 |
Sharma VK, Carles C and Fletcher JC
Maintenance of stem cell populations in plants.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2003,
100(Suppl 1): 11823-11829
Bensmihen S, Rippa S, Lambert G, Jublot D, Pautot V, Granier F, Giraudat J and Parcy F The homologous ABI5 and EEL transcription factors function antagonistically to fine-tune gene expression during late embryogenesis.
Plant Cell, 2002,
14: 1391-1403 | | |
Jakoby M, Weisshaar B, Droege-Laser W, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Tiedemann J, Kroj T and Parcy F BZIP transcription factors in
Trends in Plant Sciences, 2002,
7: 106-111 | | id="2438513" |
Parcy F, Bomblies K and Weigel D Interaction of LEAFY, AGAMOUS and TERMINAL FLOWER1 in maintaining floral meristem identity in
Development, 2002,
129: 2519-2527 | | |
| |
Lohmann JU, Hong RL, Hobe M, Busch MA, Parcy F, Simon R and Weigel D A molecular link between stem cell regulation and floral patterning in
Cell, 2001,
105: 793-803 | | id="167541" |
 | |
Parcy F, Nilsson O, Busch MA, Lee I and Weigel D A genetic framework for floral patterning.
Nature, 1998,
395: 561-566 |
Parcy F and Giraudat J
Interactions between the ABI1 and the ectopically expressed
ABI3 genes in controlling abscisic acid responses in
Arabidopsis vegetative tissues.
Plant Journal, 1997,
11(4): 693-702
Parcy F, Valon C, Kohara A, Misera S and Giraudat J
The ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE3, FUSCA3, and LEAFY COTYLEDON1 loci act in concert to control multiple aspects of
Arabidopsis seed development.
Plant Cell, 1997,
9: 1265-1277
Furini A, Parcy F, Salamini F and Bartels D
Differential regulation of two ABA-inducible genes from
Craterostigma plantagineum in transgenic
Arabidopsis plants.
Plant Molecular Biology, 1996,
30(2): 343-349
Giraudat J, Parcy F, Bertauche N, Gosti F, Leung J, Morris PC, Bouvier-Durand M and Vartanian N
Current advances in abscisic acid action and signalling.
Plant Molecular Biology, 1994,
26(5): 1557-1577
Parcy F, Valon C, Raynal M, Gaubier-Comella P, Delseny M and Giraudat J
Regulation of gene expression programs during
Arabidopsis seed development: Roles of the
ABI3 locus and of endogenous abscisic acid.
Plant Cell, 1994,
6(11): 1567-1582
Giraudat J, Hauge BM, Valon C, Smalle J, Parcy F and Goodman HM
Isolation of the
ABI3 gene by positional cloning.
Plant Cell, 1992,
4(10): 1251-1261
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