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Present and Former members of the team

Published on 25 March 2024
Present members
Christel Carles, PhD
Team Leader
Prof. UGA, CV
04 38 78 05 69
Switches at the Chromatin
Robert Blanvillain, PhD
Assoc. Prof. UGA,
04 38 78 34 84
Nucleus-Chloroplast communications
Marie Le Masson,
CNRS Engineer
04 38 78 05 69
Chromswitch, Rewire, ULT1 genetic interactions

Gilles Vachon, PhD
CNRS Researcher
04 38 78 05 69
ULT1 switch functions
Ivan Cubillas Martinez,
M2 Student, Nanoscience Master, UGA
04 38 78 34 84
Nucleus-Chloroplast communications
Vangeli Geshkovski,
PhD Student
04 38 78 05 69
Molecular analyses of ULT1 function
Salim El Khoury,
PhD Student
04 38 78 34 84
Rewiring the Chromatin
Veronica-Astrid Morlacchi,
M2 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi
04 38 78 34 84
Rewiring the Chromatin
Laura Turchi,
Research Engineer Short-Term Contract
04 38 78 34 84
Switches at the Chromatin

Former members of the team

Filippo Battaglia,
Former M2 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi
Molecular analyses of ULT1 function
Béatrice Berthet,
Former M2 Student
Now PhD Student in A. Maizel lab, Heidelberg
Anne-Marie Boisson,
Former CNRS Technician
Now retired
Louise Chambon,
Former PhD Student
PAPs functions
Maha Chieb,
Former PhD Student
Now Postdoc in K. Dehesh lab, UC Riverside
  Mirko De Vivo
Former M2 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi

Quentin Depeyre
Former Master 2 Student
Now PhD Student at IBS
Nucleus-Chloroplast communications
Marie Catherine Ducarre
Technician Student
Nucleus-Chloroplast communications
Julia Engelhorn PhD
Former Postdoc
Now Junior Professor Chair at Univ Montpellier-IRD
Kateryna Fal,
Former Postdoc
Rewire project
Enora Frémy,
Former M1 Student
Now Bioinformatician Engineer at EdYP team, IRIG CEA-Grenoble, France
François-Xavier Gillet,
Former Postdoc
Now Ass. Prof. at UCB Lyon, France
Nucleus-chloroplast communications
Yahia Hadj-Arab,
Former M1 Student "Biologie Structurale, Génomique" Master, Aix-Marseille University, France
Huan He,
Former M1 Student
Now PhD Student in A. Hakimi team, IAB Grenoble, France
Jean-Baptiste Izquierdo
Former PhD Student
Molecular characterization of ULT1-PRC2 antagonism
Abir Israël,
Former M2 Student
Now Posdoc in the MetalStress Team at our Laboratory
Claire Jourdain,
Former M2 Student
Now PhD Student in D. Schubert group, Berlin univ, Germany
Emilien Krempf
Former PhD Student
Switches at the Chromatin
Monique Liebers,
Former PhD Student
Now Postdoc in S. Hoth group, Hamburg univ., Germany
  Isaty Melogno
Former M1 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi

Anaëlle Meunier
Former M1 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi
Armand Michaud
Former L3 Student in Génie Bio-informatique at University of Poitiers, France
Nucleus-Chloroplast communications
  Fanny Moreau,
Former PhD Student
Now teacher at Med. sch.

Veronica-Astrid Morlacchi,
Former Master 1 Student
PAPs functions
Soumiya Sankari Muthukumar
Former PhD Student
Characterization of the PAP-PEP complex
Noor Pacha,
Former Master 2 Student
Now PhD Student at IPS2, Paris-Saclay, France
PAPs functions
Marie Pireyre,
Former M2 Student
Now Postdoc in R. Ulm lab, Geneva, Switzerland
Alice Poggi,
Former M1 Student, PLANT-Int Master, UGA/UniMi
Eugenio Reale,
Former Master 2 Student
PAPs functions
Emmanuel Tergemina,
Former M1 Student
Now Postdoc in A. Hancock, MPI Cologne, Germany
Caroline Thouly,
Former PhD Student
ULT1 interacters
Maud Turquand,
Former Master 2 Student
PAPs functions