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Biogenesis, dynamics and homeostasis of membrane lipids

Published on 19 September 2024

Juliette Jouhet
CNRS Research Director

Tel.: 04 38 7838 55
Fax: 04 38 78 50 91

Deputy Director:
Éric Maréchal
CNRS Research Director

Tel.: 04 38 78 49 85
Fax: 04 38 78 50 91


Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire & Végétale
17 avenue des Martyrs
38 054 Grenoble cedex 9

Principal investigators

Management of company partnership
Alberto Amato - email, CEA Researcher
Lipid remodeling dynamic
Olivier Bastien - email, INRAE Researcher
Membrane homeostasis and transcriptional control in response to temperature
Florence Corellou - email, CNRS Researcher
Metabolism and properties of non phosphorus glycerolipids
Juliette Jouhet - email, CNRS Research Director
Glycerolipid metabolism in primary and secondary endosymbionts
Eric Maréchal - email, - CNRS Research Director
Mitochondrial lipid trafficking
Morgane Michaud - email, CNRS Researcher
Lipid droplet biogenesis and synthetic biology
Juliette Salvaing - email, INRAE Researcher

Permanent staff in support of research

Gaëlle Villain - email, CNRS Assistant-Engineer

EZZEDINE Jade, CNRS, Jade.EzzEedine[@]

PhD students
AMARI Chems, UGA, Chems.Amari[@]
CARLETTI Marta , UGA, Marta.Carletti[@]
GUENZI-TIBERI Pierre, CEA, Pierre.Guenzi-Tiberi2[@]
SALOMON Sarah, INRAE, Sarah.Salomon[@]
SERES Yannick, CEA, Yannick.Seres[@]
TOUSSAINT Aourégane, UGA, Aouregane.Toussaint[@]
YAN Siqi, UGA, Siqi.Yan[@]

Technicians & Engineers
BEILLE Séverine, CEA Assistant Engineer, Severine.Beille[@]
BONNARDE Rachel, INRAE Study Engineer, Rachel.Bonnarde[@]
DIAGNE Yacine, CNRS Assistant Engineer, Yacine.Diagne[@]
VOGUIN Samantha, BTS in work-study, Samantha.Voguin[@]

The team is affiliated to:
- Institut Carnot 3BCAR (Bioénergies, Biomolécules et Biomatériaux du CArbone Renouvelable.)
- IMBL (Institut Multidisciplinaire de Biochimie des Lipides)
- GERLI (Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche en Lipidomique)
- Lipidomystes
- OCEANOMICS consortium (Biotechnologie et bioressources pour la valorisation des écosystèmes marins planctoniques)

Funded projects supported by:
The National Agency for Research / ANR:
ANR JCJC ChloroMitoLipid, coord. J. Jouhet
ANR RéGal, coord. E. Maréchal, coll. A. Girard-Egrot, Lyon & C. Breton, Grenoble
ANR DiaDomOil, coord. E. Maréchal, coll. C. Bowler & A. Falciatore, Paris & Fermentalg, Libourne
ANR Reglisse, coord. L. Nussaume, coll. L. Nussaume, Cadarache
ANR BLinK, coord. J. Jouhet, coll. B. Demé, Grenoble & E. Schneck, Potsdam (Germany)

institut Carnot 3BCAR (coll. E. Maréchal & S. Baud, Versailles)

CEA DRF Impulsion (coll. D. Falconet & PH Jouneau IRIG/MEM; coll. E. Maréchal & M. Gromova, IRIG/MEM; coll. J. Jouhet, J. Bourguignon, PCV/MetalStress, C. Raillon, IRIG/SYMMES & Romain Vives IRIG/IBS)

Inra with the Oleum project (J. Salvaing)

Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
with the Cross Disciplinary Projects Glyco@Alps (member of the scientific committee: E. Maréchal) & Origin of Life (member of the scientific committee: O. Bastien & D. Falconet).

Industrial partnerships
• the Fermentalg company. Read the March 3, 2014 Press release entitled: Fermentalg and the CEA optimize the production of microalgae in a mixotrophic environment.