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Publications de l'équipe jusqu'en 2018

Publié le 7 juin 2019

Berthet S, Villiers F, Alban C, Serre N, Martin-Laffon J, Figuet S, Boisson AM, Bligny R, Kuntz M, Finazzi G, Ravanel S and Bourguignon J
Arabidopsis thaliana plants challenged with uranium reveal new insights into iron and phosphate homeostasis.
New Phytologist, 2018, 217(2): 657-670

Bouchnak I, Moyet L, Salvi D, Kuntz M and Rolland N
Preparation of chloroplast subcompartments for the analysis of protein localization by immunoblotting or proteomics and other studies.
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018, 140: e58581

Kuntz M
Transgenic Plants and Beyond. (M. Kuntz, Ed), Series: Advances in Botanical Research, Elsevier. 2018, 86: 111-167

Moyet L, Salvi D, Tomizioli M, Seigneurin-Berny D and Rolland N
Chapter: Preparation of membrane fractions (envelope, thylakoids, grana and stroma lamellae) from Arabidopsis chloroplasts for quantitative proteomic investigations and other studies In Plant Membrane Proteomics, Edited by Mock, Hans-Peter, Matros, Andrea, Witzel, Katja, Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press Inc., 2018, 1696, pp 117-136

Ricroch A, Akkoyunlu S, Martin-Laffon J and Kuntz M
Assessing the environmental safety of transgenic plants: Honey bees as a case study. In: Transgenic Plants and Beyond. (M. Kuntz, Ed), Series: Advances in Botanical Research, Elsevier. 2018, 86: 111-167

Ricroch AE, Guillaume-Hofnung M and Kuntz M
The ethical concerns about transgenic crops.
Biochemical Journal, 2018, 475: 803-811

Rolland N, Bouchnak I, Moyet L, Salvi D and Kuntz M
The main functions of plastids. In: Plastids - Methods and Protocols. (E. Maréchal, Ed.), Humana Press, New-York, USA, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018, 1829: 73-85

Salvi D, Bournais S, Moyet L, Bouchnak I, Kuntz M, Bruley C and Rolland N
AT_CHLORO - The first step when looking for information about subplastidial localization of proteins. In: Plastids - Methods and Protocols. (E. Maréchal, Ed.), Humana Press, New-York, USA, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018, 1829: 395-406

Tagliabue G, Kuntz M, Miller HI and Ammann K
A plea for the renewal of the ISBR.
Trends in Biotechnology, 2018, 36(3): 229-231


Barsan C, Kuntz M and Pech JC
Isolation of chromoplasts and suborganellar compartments from tomato and bell pepper fruit. In: Isolation of Plant Organelles and Structures. Methods and Protocols (N. L. Taylor, Millar, A. Harvey, Ed), Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press Inc., 2017, 1511: 61-71

Gloaguen P, Bournais S, Alban C, Ravanel S, Seigneurin-Berny D, Matringe M, Tardif M, Kuntz M, Ferro M, Bruley C, Rolland N, Vandenbrouck Y and Curien G
ChloroKB: A Web application for the integration of knowledge related to chloroplast metabolic network.
Plant Physiology, 2017, 174(2): 922-934

Kuntz M
Precaution: Risks of public participation.
Science, 2017, 355(6325): 590

Kuntz M
Science and postmodernism: From right-thinking to soft-despotism.
Trends in Biotechnology, 2017, 35(4): 283-285

Mas-y-Mas S, Curien G, Giustini C, Rolland N, Ferrer JL and Cobessi D
Crystal structure of the chloroplastic oxoene reductase ceQORH from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 329


Allorent G, Lefebvre-Legendre L, Chappuis R, Kuntz M, Truong TB, Niyogi KK, Ulm R and Goldschmidt-Clermont M

UV-B photoreceptor-mediated protection of the photosynthetic machinery in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 2016, 113(51): 14864-14869

Curien G, Giustini C, Montillet JL, Mas-Y-Mas S, Cobessi D, Ferrer JL, Matringe M, Grechkin A and Rolland N
The chloroplast membrane associated ceQORH putative quinone oxidoreductase reduces long-chain, stress-related oxidized lipids.
Phytochemistry, 2016, 122: 45-55

Dell'Aglio E, Salvi D, Kraut A, Baudet M, Macherel D, Neveu M, Ferro M, Curien G and Rolland N
No plastidial Calmodulin-like proteins detected by two targeted mass-spectrometry approaches and GFP fusion proteins.
New Negatives in Plant Science, 2016, 3: 19–26

Kuntz M
Scientists should oppose the drive of postmodern ideology.
Trends in Biotechnology, 2016, 34(12): 943-94

Mayerhofer H, Sautron E, Rolland N, Catty P, Seigneurin-Berny D, Pebay-Peyroula E and Ravaud S
Structural insights into the nucleotide-binding domains of the P1B-type ATPases HMA6 and HMA8 from Arabidopsis thaliana.
PLoS One, 2016, 11(11): e0165666

Ricroch AE, Ammann K and Kuntz M
Editing EU legislation to fit plant genome editing: The use of genome editing technologies in plant breeding requires a novel regulatory approach for new plant varieties that involves farmers.
EMBO Reports, 2016, 17(10): 1365-1369

Ricroch A, Harwood W, Svobodová Z, Sági L, Hundleby P, Badea EM, Rosca I, Cruz G, Salema Fevereiro MP, Marfà Riera V, Jansson S, Morandini P, Bojinov B, Cetiner S, Custers R, Schrader U, Jacobsen HJ, Martin-Laffon J, Boisron A and Kuntz M
Challenges facing European agriculture and possible biotechnological solutions.
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2016, 36(5): 875-883

Rivasseau C, Farhi E, Compagnon E, de Gouvion Saint Cyr D, van Lis R, Falconet D, Kuntz M, Atteia A and Couté A
Coccomyxa actinabiotis sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new green microalga living in the spent fuel cooling pool of a nuclear reactor.
Journal of Phycology, 2016, 52: 689-703

Sautron E, Giustini C, Dang T, Moyet L, Salvi D, Crouzy S, Rolland N, Catty P and Seigneurin-Berny D
Identification of two conserved residues involved in copper release from chloroplast PIB-1-ATPases.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016, 291(38): 20136–20148

Seigneurin-Berny D, King MS, Sautron E, Moyet L, Catty P, André F, Rolland N, Kunji ER and Frelet-Barrand A
Membrane protein production in Lactococcus lactis for functional studies, In Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins Methods and Protocols. Editors: Mus-Veteau, Isabelle (Ed.)
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2016, 1432: 79-101


Boutigny S, Sautron E, Frelet-Barrand A, Moyet L, Salvi D, Rolland N and Seigneurin-Berny D
Functional expression of plant membrane proteins in Lactococcus lactis.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2015, 1258: 147-165

Finazzi G, Petroutsos D, Tomizioli M, Flori S, Sautron E, Villanova V, Rolland N and Seigneurin-Berny D
Ions channels/transporters and chloroplast regulation.
Cell Calcium, 2015, 58(1): 86–97

Mas Y Mas S, Giustini C, Ferrer JL, Rolland N, Curien G and Cobessi D
Analytical ultracentrifugation and preliminary X-ray studies of the chloroplast envelope quinone oxidoreductase homologue from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Acta Crystallographica, Section F Structural Biology Communications, 2015, 71(Pt 4): 455-458

Mladenov P, Finazzi G, Bligny R, Moyankova D, Zasheva D, Boisson AM, Brugière S, Krasteva V, Alipieva K, Simova S, Tchorbadjieva M, Goltsev V, Ferro M, Rolland N and Djilianov D
In vivo spectroscopy and NMR metabolite fingerprinting approaches to connect the dynamics of photosynthetic and metabolic phenotypes in resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis during desiccation and recovery.
Frontiers Plant Science, 2015, 6: 564

Ricroch A, Harwood W, Svobodová Z, Sági L, Hundleby P, Badea EM, Rosca I, Cruz G, Salema Fevereiro MP, Marfà Riera V, Jansson S, Morandini P, Bojinov B, Cetiner S, Custers R, Schrader U, Jacobsen HJ, Martin-Laffon J, Boisron A and Kuntz M
Challenges facing European agriculture and possible biotechnological solutions.
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2015, 3: 1-9

Sautron E, Mayerhofer H, Giustini C, Pro D, Crouzy S, Ravaud S, Pebay-Peyroula E, Rolland N, Catty P and Seigneurin-Berny D
HMA6 and HMA8 are two chloroplast Cu+-ATPases with different enzymatic properties.
Bioscience Report, 2015, 35(3): e00201


Bakari S, André F, Seigneurin-Berny D, Delaforge M, Rolland N and Frelet-Barrand A
Lactococcus lactis, recent developments in functional expression of membrane proteins. In Membrane Proteins Production for Structural Analysis. Mus-Veteau I. (Ed.). Springer, New-York, USA, 2014, Chapter 5. pp 107-132

Boudière L, Michaud M, Petroutsos D, Rébeillé F, Falconet D, Bastien O, Roy S, Finazzi G, Rolland N, Jouhet J, Block MA and Maréchal E
Glycerolipids in photosynthesis: Composition, synthesis and trafficking.
Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 2014, 1837: 470-480

Boutigny S, Sautron E, Finazzi G, Rivasseau C, Frelet-Barrand A, Pilon M, Rolland N and Seigneurin-Berny D
HMA1 and PAA1, two chloroplast-envelope P
IB-ATPases, play distinct roles in chloroplast copper homeostasis.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(6): 1529-1540

Hardré H, Kuhn L, Albrieux C, Jouhet J, Michaud M, Seigneurin-Berny D, Falconet D, Block MA and Maréchal E
The selective biotin tagging and thermolysin proteolysis of chloroplast outer envelope proteins reveals information on protein topology and association into complexes.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5: 203

Kuntz M
Is it possible to overcome the GMO controversy? Some elements for a philosophical perspective. In: Plant biotechnology - Experience and future prospects. (A. Ricroch, S. Chopra and S. J. Fleischer, Eds), Springer, 2014, Part II - Chapter 5

Kuntz M
The GMO case in France: Politics, lawlessness and postmodernism.
GM Crops and Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain, 2014, 5(3): 163-169

Tomizioli M, Lazar C, Brugiere S, Burger T, Salvi D, Gatto L, Moyet L, Breckels LM, Hesse AM, Lilley KS, Seigneurin-Berny D, Finazzi G, Rolland N and Ferro M
Deciphering thylakoid sub-compartments using a mass spectrometry-based approach.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2014, 13(8): 2147-2167


Allorent G, Tokutsu R, Roach T, Peers G, Cardol P, Girard-Bascou J, Seigneurin-Berny D, Petroutsos D, Kuntz M, Breyton C, Franck F, Wollman FA, Niyogi KK, Krieger-Liszkay A, Minagawa J and Finazzi G
A dual strategy to cope with high light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Plant Cell, 2013, 25(2): 545-557

Dell'aglio E, Giustini C, Salvi D, Brugiere S, Delpierre F, Moyet L, Baudet M, Seigneurin-Berny D, Matringe M, Ferro M, Rolland N and Curien G
Complementary biochemical approaches applied to the identification of plastidial calmodulin-binding proteins.
Molecular BioSystems, 2013, 9(6): 1234-1248

Kuntz M
Why the postmodern attitude towards science should be denounced.
EMBO Reports, 2013, 14(2): 114-116

Kuntz M, Davison J and Ricroch AE
What the French ban of Bt MON810 maize means for science-based risk assessment.
Nature Biotechnology, 2013, 31(6): 498-500

Laureau C, DE Paepe R, Latouche G, Moreno-Chacón M, Finazzi G, Kuntz M, Cornic G and Streb P
Plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) has the potential to act as a safety valve for excess excitation energy in the alpine plant species Ranunculus glacialis L.
Plant Cell & Environment, 2013, 36(7): 1296-1310

Ricroch AE, Bernheim A, Snell C, Pascal G, Paris A and Kuntz M
Long-term and multigenerational animal feeding studies. In Animal nutrition with transgenic plants (Flachowsky G, ed.) CABI biotechnology series, 2013, pp 112-129

Ricroch A and Kuntz M
Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using proteomics. In Proteomics in Food. Principles and applications Edited byToldra F and Nollet LML, Springer, 2013, pp 503-514


Bruley C, Dupierris V, Salvi D, Rolland N and Ferro M
AT_CHLORO - A chloroplast database dedicated to sub-plastidial localization.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2012, 3: 205

Deniaud A, Panwara P, Frelet-Barrand A, Bernaudat F, Juillan-Binard C, Ebel C, Rolland N and Pebay-Peyroula E
Oligomeric status and nucleotide binding properties of the chloroplast ATP/ADP transporter 1: Towards a molecular understanding of the transport mechanism.
PLoS One, 2012, 7(3): e32325.

Kuntz M
Destruction of public and governmental experiments of GMO in Europe.
GM Crops and Food, 2012, 3(4): 258-264

Kuntz M
The postmodern assault on science. If all truths are equal, who cares what science has to say?
EMBO Reports, 2012, 13(10): 885-889

Kuntz M and Rolland N
Subcellular and sub-organellar proteomics as a complementary tool to study the evolution of the plastid proteome. In Organelle Genetics: Evolution of Organelle Genomes and Gene Expression. Bullerwell C.E. (Ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2012, Chapter 9. pp 217-238

Rolland N, Curien G, Finazzi G, Kuntz M, Maréchal E, Matringe M, Ravanel S and Seigneurin-Berny D
The biosynthetic capacities of the plastids and integration between cytoplasmic and chloroplast processes.
Annual Review of Genetics, 2012, 46: 233-264

Snell C, Bernheim A, Bergé JB, Kuntz M, Pascal G, Paris A and Ricroch AE
Assessment of the health impact of GM plant diets in long-term and multigenerational animal feeding trials: A literature review.
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50(3-4): 1134-1148

Tardif M, Atteia A, Specht M, Cogne G, Rolland N, Brugiere S, Hippler M, Ferro M, Bruley C, Peltier G, Vallon O and Cournac L
PredAlgo, a new subcellular localization prediction tool dedicated to green algae.
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2012, 29(12): 3625-3639

Trouillard M, Shahbazi M, Moyet L, Rappaport F, Joliot P, Kuntz M and Finazzi G
Kinetic properties and physiological role of the plastoquinone terminal oxidase (PTOX) in a vascular plant.
Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 2012, 1817(12): 2140-2148


Agrawal GK, Bourguignon J, Rolland N, Ephritikhine G, Ferro M, Jaquinod M, Alexiou KG, Chardot T, Chakraborty N, Jolivet P, Doonan JH and Rakwal R
Plant organelle proteomics: Collaborating for optimal cell function.
Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2011, 211(30): 772-853

Bernaudat F, Frelet-Barrand A, Pochon N, Dementin S, Hivin P, Boutigny S, Rioux JB, Salvi D, Seigneurin-Berny D, Richaud P, Joyard J, Pignol D, Darrouzet E, Sabaty M, Desnos T, Pebay-Peyroula E, Vernet T and Rolland N
Heterologous expression of membrane proteins: Choosing the appropriate host
PloS One, 2011, 6(12): e29191

Catty P, Boutigny S, Miras R, Joyard J, Rolland N and Seigneurin-Berny D
Biochemical characterization of AtHMA6/PAA1, a chloroplast envelope Cu(I)-ATPase.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, 286(42): 36188–36197

Deniaud A, Bernaudat F, Frelet-Barrand A, Juillan-Binard C, Vernet T, Rolland N and Pebay-Peyroula E
Expression of a chloroplast ATP/ADP transporter in E. coli membranes: Behind the Mistic strategy.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 2011, 1808: 2059-2066

Gaffe J, Lemercier C, Alcaraz J-P and Kuntz M
Identification of three tomato flower and fruit MADS-box proteins with a putative histone deacetylase binding domain.
Gene, 2011, 471(1-2): 19-26

Joshi HJ, Hirsch-Hoffmann M, Baerenfaller K, Gruissem W, Baginsky S, Schmidt R, Schulze WX, Sun Q, van Wijk KJ, Egelhofer V, Wienkoop S, Weckwerth W, Bruley C, Rolland N, Toyoda T, Nakagami H, Jones AM, Briggs SP, Castleden I, Tanz SK, Millar AH and Heazlewood JL
MASCP Gator: An aggregation portal for the visualization of Arabidopsis proteomics data.
Plant Physiology, 2011, 155(1): 259-270

Ricroch AE, Berge JB and Kuntz M
Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic profiling techniques.
Plant Physiology, 2011, 155(4): 1752-1761

Rolland N and Kuntz M
La protéomique des plantes. Dattée Y, Fellous M, Gallais A, Joudrier P, Pelletier G and Ricroch A. Eds. In: Nourrir et protéger l'homme et l'environnement, AFBV (Association Française des Biotechnologies Végétales), 2011, pp. 90-97

Salvi D, Moyet L, Seigneurin-Berny D, Ferro M, Joyard J and Rolland N
Preparation of envelope membrane fractions from Arabidopsis chloroplasts for proteomic analysis and other studies.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2011, 775: 189-206


Ferro M, Brugiere S, Salvi D, Seigneurin-Berny D, Court M, Moyet L, Ramus C, Miras S, Mellal M, Le Gall S, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Bruley C, Garin J, Joyard J, Masselon C and Rolland N
AT_CHLORO: A comprehensive chloroplast proteome database with subplastidiallocalization and curated information on envelope proteins.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2010, 9(1): 1063-1084

Frelet-Barrand A, Boutigny S, Kunji ER and Rolland N
Membrane protein expression in Lactococcus lactis.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2010, 601: 67-85

Frelet-Barrand A, Boutigny S, Moyet L, Deniaud A, Seigneurin-Berny D, Salvi D, Bernaudat F, Richaud P, Pebay-Peyroula E, Joyard J and Rolland N
Lactococcus lactis, an alternative system for functional expression of peripheral and intrinsic Arabidopsis membrane proteins.
PLoS One, 2010, 5(1): e8746

Joyard J, Ferro M, Masselon C, Seigneurin-Berny D, Salvi D, Garin J and Rolland N
Chloroplast proteomics highlights the subcellular compartmentation of lipid metabolism.
Progress in Lipid Research, 2010, 49(2): 128-158


Atteia A, Adrait A, Brugiere S, Tardif M, van Lis R, Deusch O, Dagan T, Kuhn L, Gontero B, Martin W, Garin J, Joyard J and Rolland N
A proteomic survey of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria sheds new light on the metabolic plasticity of the organelle and on the nature of the α-proteobacterial mitochondrial ancestor.
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2009, 26(7): 1533-1548

Joyard J, Ferro M, Masselon C, Seigneurin-Berny D, Salvi D, Garin J and Rolland N
Chloroplast proteomics and the compartmentation of plastidial isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways.
Molecular Plant, 2009, 2(6):1154-1180

Krammer EM, Ravaud S, Dehez F, Frelet-Barrand A, Pebay-Peyroula E and Chipot C
High-chloride concentrations abolish the binding of adenine nucleotides in the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier family.
Biophysical Journal, 2009, 97(10): L25-L27

Rolland N, Atteia A, Decottignies P, Garin J, Hippler M, Kreimer G, Lemaire SD, Mittag M and Wagner V
Chlamydomonas proteomics.
Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2009, 12(3): 285-291

Rolland N, Ferro M, Seigneurin-Berny D, Garin J, Block MA and Joyard J
The Chloroplast envelope proteome and lipidome. In The Chloroplast - Interactions with the Environment (Anna-Stina Sandelius and Henrik Aronsson, eds.), Plant cell monograph series (David G Robinson, series editor). Springer Verlag, 2009, Vol.13 pp. 41-88


Salvi D, Rolland N, Joyard J and Ferro M
Assessment of organelle purity using antibodies and specific assays: The example of the chloroplast envelope.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2008, 432: 345-356

Salvi D, Rolland N, Joyard J and Ferro M
Purification and proteomic analysis of chloroplasts and their sub-organellar compartments.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2008, 432: 19-36

Seigneurin-Berny D, Salvi D, Dorne AJ, Joyard J and Rolland N
Percoll-purified and photosynthetically active chloroplasts from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2008, 46(11): 951-955

Seigneurin-Berny D, Salvi D, Joyard J and Rolland N
Purification of intact chloroplasts from Arabidopsis and spinach leaves by isopycnic centrifugation.
Current Protocols in Cell Biology, 2008, Chapter 3: Unit 3.30


Van Lis R, Mendoza-Hernandez G, Groth G and Atteia A
New insights into the unique structure of the F
0F1-ATP synthase from the Chlamydomonad algae Polytomella sp. and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Plant Physiology, 2007, 144(2) : 1190-1199

Block MA, Douce R, Joyard J and Rolland N
Chloroplast envelope membranes: A dynamic interface between plastids and the cytosol.
Photosynthesis Research, 2007, 92(2): 225-244

Miras S, Salvi D, Piette L, Seigneurin-Berny D, Grunwald D, Reinbothe C, Joyard J, Reinbothe S and Rolland N
TOC159- and TOC75-independent import of a transit sequence-less precursor into the inner envelope of chloroplasts.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007, 282(40): 29482-29492

Nicolai M, Duprat A, Sormani R, Rodriguez C, Roncato MA, Rolland N and Robaglia C
Higher plant chloroplasts import the mRNA coding for the eucaryotic translation initiation factor 4E.
FEBS Letters, 2007, 581(21): 3921-3926


Atteia A, van Lis R, Gelius-Dietrich G, Adrait A, Garin J, Joyard J, Rolland N and Martin W
Pyruvate formate-lyase and a novel route of eukaryotic ATP-synthesis in Chlamydomonas mitochondria.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006, 281(15): 9909-9918

Marmagne A, Salvi D, Rolland N, Ephritikhine G, Joyard J and Barbier-Brygoo H
Purification and fractionation of membranes for proteomic analyses.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2006, vol. 323, pp 403-420

Rolland N, Ferro M, Ephritikhine G, Marmagne A, Ramus C, Brugière S, Salvi D, Seigneurin-Berny D, Bourguignon J, Barbier-Brygoo H, Joyard J and Garin J
A versatile method for deciphering plant membrane proteomes.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, 57: 1579-1589

Seigneurin-Berny D, Gravot A, Auroy P, Mazard C, Kraut A, Finazzi G, Grunwald D, Rappaport F, Vavasseur A, Joyard J, Richaud P and Rolland N
HMA1, a new Cu-ATPase of the chloroplast envelope, is essential for growth under adverse light conditions.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006, 281(5): 2882-2892


Misson J, Raghothama KG, Jain A, Jouhet J, Block MA, Bligny R, Ortet P, Creff A, Somerville S, Rolland N, Doumas P, Nacry P, Herrerra-Estrella L, Nussaume L and Thibaud C
A genome wide transcriptional analysis using Arabidopsis thaliana Affymetrix gene chips determined plant responses to phosphate deprivation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2005, 102: 11934-11939

Villarejo A, Burén S, Larsson S, Déjardin A, Monné M, Rudhe C, Karlsson J, Jansson S, Lerouge P, Rolland N, von Heijne G, Grebe M, Bako L and Samuelsson G
Evidence for a protein transported through the secretory pathway en route to the higher plant chloroplast.
Nature Cell Biology, 2005, 7(12): 1224-1231


Barbier-Brygoo H and Joyard J
Focus on plant proteomics.
Plant Physiololy and Biochemistry, 2004, 42(12): 913-917

Brugière S, Kowalski S, Ferro M, Seigneurin-Berny D, Miras S, Salvi D, Ravanel S, d'Hérin P, Garin J, Bourguignon J, Joyard J and Rolland N
The hydrophobic proteome of mitochondrial membranes from Arabidopsis cell suspensions.
Phytochemistry, 2004, 65: 1693-1707

Ephritikhine G, Ferro M and Rolland N
Plant membrane proteomics.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2004, 42: 943-962

Marmagne A, Rouet MA, Ferro M, Rolland N, Alcon C, Joyard J, Garin J, Barbier-Brygoo H and Ephritikhine G
Identification of new intrinsic proteins in Arabidopsis plasma membrane proteome.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2004, 3(7): 3675-691

Van Der Rest B, Rolland N, Boisson AM, Ferro M, Bligny R and Douce R
Identification and characterization of plant glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase.
Biochemical Journal, 2004, 379(Pt 3): 601-607


Ferro M, Salvi D, Brugiere S, Miras S, Kowalski S, Louwagie M, Garin J, Joyard J and Rolland N
Proteomics of the chloroplast envelope membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 2003, 2(5): 325-345

Rolland N, Ferro M, Seigneurin-Berny D, Garin J, Douce R and Joyard J
Proteomics of chloroplast envelope membranes.
Photosynthesis Research, 2003, 78(3): 205-230

Vlerick A, Rolland N, Joyard J, Ruysschaert JM and Homble F
Regulation of the anion channel of the chloroplast envelope from spinach.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 2003, 35(3): 221-229


Ferro M, Salvi D, Rivière-Rolland H, Vermat T, Seigneurin-Berny D, Grunwald D, Garin J, Joyard J and Rolland N
Integral membrane proteins of the chloroplast envelope: Identification and subcellular localization of new transporters.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2002, 99: 11487-11492

Miras S, Salvi D, Ferro M, Grunwald D, Garin J, Joyard J and Rolland N
Non canonical transit peptide for import into the chloroplast.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002, 277: 47770-47778