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Laurent Blanchoin is elected member of EMBO

On 8 June 2021, 64 leading scientists were elected to membership of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the field of life sciences. Laurent Blanchoin, a CNRS researcher at our laboratory, is among the distinguished individuals.
Published on 8 June 2021
EMBO's tradition of recognising outstanding biologists as members dates back to 1963, when the first group of 150 members was selected by the EMBO Council. Since then, EMBO members have been invited to nominate and elect outstanding women and men of science to join the community, which today numbers over 1,800 members and associate members. Elections of EMBO members are held annually. New EMBO members join a list of distinguished scientists elected before them, which includes 88 Nobel laureates.

Physics of cytoskeleton and morphogenesis
"We are focused on understanding how the cytoskeleton is organized and constrained to regulate cell morphogenesis. We have several complementary approaches from in vitro reconstitution of cytoskeleton dynamics to cellular manipulation and observation. All these experimental strategies are coupled with theoretical models allowing a better description of how molecular events are orchestrated to determine macroscopic properties of the cytoskeleton necessary for cellular function".

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