Johan Decelle
is a team leader at LPCV. He received an European Research Concil ERC Consolidator grant in 2022 to unveil the subcellular mechanisms that play a key role in the maintenance of photosymbiosis in unicellular freshwater and marine models. The team Photosymbiosis study the physiology and functioning of photosymbiosis (association between a heterotrophic host and microalgae) using multimodal subcellular imaging techniques and omics analyses.
Johan Decelle is involved in the Traversing European Coastlines
TREC expedition. This programme, run by the European laboratory EMBL in Grenoble and the Tara Oceans Foundation, is studying the interactions between terrestrial and marine ecosystems in Europe, in particular the pollution caused to biodiversity by antibiotics, pesticides and the construction industry.
Photosymbiosis: symbiosis between heterotrophic hosts and microalgae is a widespread and ecologically important phenomenon in aquatic ecosystems. Although knowledge of the diversity of symbiotic partners has improved in recent years, the underlying mechanisms and metabolic interactions remain poorly understood.
Credit photo: Johan Decelle/CNRS.