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Micropatterning in Cell Biology: Part B

This new volume of Methods in Cell Biology is the second volume describing micropatternin​g, complementing Volume 120. Chapters are written by experts in the field and include cutting-edge material.​

Published on 5 September 2014

Edited by Matthieu Piel and Manuel Théry
Academic Press
ISBN: 978-0-12-417136-7
Vol. 120, 2014, pp 270

Micropatterning in Cell Biology: Part B

This new volume of Methods in Cell Biology is the second volume describing micropatterning, complementing Volume 120. Chapters are written by experts in the field and include cutting-edge material.


Section 1: Micro-Patterning isolated cell components

Chapter 1 - Mitotic Spindle Assembly on Chromatin Patterns Made with Deep UV Photochemistry
Pages 3-17
Katarzyna Tarnawska, Céline Pugieux, François Nédélec

Chapter 2 - Geometrical Control of Actin Assembly and Contractility
Pages 19-38
Anne-Cécile Reymann, Christophe Guérin, Manuel Théry, Laurent Blanchoin, Rajaa Boujemaa-Paterski

Chapter 3 - Micropatterning Microtubules
Pages 39-51
Didier Portran

Chapter 4 - Micropatterned, Multicomponent Supported Lipid Bilayers for Cellular Systems
Pages 53-67
Debjit Dutta, Lance C. Kam

Chapter 5 - Reconstituting Functional Microtubule–Barrier Interactions
Pages 69-90
Núria Taberner, Georges Weber, Changjiang You, Roland Dries, Jacob Piehler, Marileen Dogterom

Section 2: Dynamic Micro-Patterning

Chapter 6 - Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Micropatterning
Pages 93-116
Timothée Vignaud, Hajer Ennomani, Manuel Théry

Chapter 7 - Dynamic Photochemical Silane Micropatterning
Pages 117-129
Jun Nakanishi

Chapter 8 - Dynamic PhotoChemical Lipid Micropatterning for Manipulation of Nonadherent Mammalian Cells
Pages 131-144
Shinya Yamahira, Yumi Takasaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Kimio Sumaru, Toshiyuki Kanamori, Teruyuki Nagamune

Chapter 9 - Thermosensitive Micropatterned Substrates
Pages 145-154
Lionel Bureau, Martial Balland

Chapter 10 - Fabrication of Micropatterned Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Manipulation of Living Cells
Pages 155-169
Julien Polleux, Guillaume Baffou

Chapter 11 - A Reagent-Based Dynamic Trigger for Cell Adhesion, Shape Change, or Cocultures
Pages 171-184
Stijn F.M. van Dongen, Paolo Maiuri, Matthieu Piel

Chapter 12 - Cell Patterning by Micro-Pattern Projection of UV Light Through Photoinduced Enhancement of Cell Adhesion (PIECA)
Pages 185-197
Kimio Sumaru, Toshiyuki Kanamori

Section 3: Micro-Patterning for Specific Applications, From Forces to Yeasts

Chapter 13 - Preparing Substrates Encoding Cell Patterning and Localized Intracellular Magnetic Particle Stimulus for High-Throughput Experimentation
Pages 201-214
Peter Tseng, Dino Di Carlo

Chapter 14 - Microfabricated Chambers as Force Sensors for Probing Forces of Fungal Growth
Pages 215-226
Nicolas Minc

Chapter 15 - Visualizing Single Rod-Shaped Fission Yeast Vertically in Micro-Sized Holes on Agarose Pad Made by Soft Lithography
Pages 227-234
Li Wang, Phong T. Tran

Chapter 16 - Microfabricated Environments to Study Collective Cell Behaviors
Pages 235-252
Sri Ram Krishna Vedula, Andrea Ravasio, Ester Anon, Tianchi Chen, Grégoire Peyret, Mohammed Ashraf, Benoit Ladoux