Professeur Alfred William Rutherford
Chair of Biochemistry of Solar Energy, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London
Chlorophyll-a photochemistry using red light (680-700 nm) is near-universal and is sometimes considered to define the energy limit for oxygenic photosynthesis, the so-called red limit. We recently reported [1] the isolation and biophysical study of photosystems from a cyanobacterium grown in far-red light (750 nm). The few long-wavelength chlorophyll-f molecules and the single chlorophyll-d present are well resolved from each other and from the majority pigment, chlorophyll-a. Charge separation in Photosystem I and II uses chlorophyll-f at ~745 nm and chlorophyll-f (or -d) at 727 nm, respectively. Each photosystem also has a few even longer-wavelength chlorophylls-f that collect light and pass excitation energy up-hill to the photochemically active pigments. Thus by using a only few far-red pigments (~8 in PS1, ~5 in PS2) in specific locations, these photosystems can do oxygenic photosynthesis but nominally using ~ 110 meV less energy for the primary charge separation. These studies provide several new insights including: i) the nature of charge separation and excitation transfer in the standard chlorophyll-a-containing photosystems, ii) a new slant on photosystem evolution; and iii) the energy limits on oxygenic photosynthesis
1) Nürnberg D.J., Morton J., Santabarbara S., Telfer A., Joliot P., Antonaru L.A., Ruban A.V., Cardona T., Krausz E., Boussac A., Fantuzzi A, Rutherford A.W. (2018) Science 360, 1210- 1213 Photochemistry beyond the red limit in chlorophyll f–containing photosystems